Free Filing Cabinet, come and get it!

This item is in Durham NC


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FREE filing cabinet, first to come get it can have it. It is sitting on the curb in front of our house. Very sturdy standard 4-drawer upright metal filing cabinet. In today's digital record keeping age we have long since stopped needing it, and it was taking up valuable space, so we put it out at the curb in hopes that a passer by might pick it up or that the trash/recycling people would take it - but neither has happened, so I'm posting it here. It is in good working condition, but has a small amount of rust on it, which should be no hindrance if you either A. don't care or B. were thinking of painting/decorating it to go with your own decor. Just please, come and get it. We don't want to be contacted about it, just come and take it away. We'll take this posting down when it is gone.

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Business & Industrial