Frankwell Freecycle

Items for freecycle in Frankwell on FreelyWheely

Freecycle Roof top box

Roof top box

This item is in Edgmond GB

Karrite roof top box that fitted on top of our Ford Focus. We've got all the fittings the only thing ...

Category: Everything Else



Freecycle Classic Slide Projector

Classic Slide Projector

This item is in Colebatch GB

Seems to work ok but doesn't have any carriages to test out on.

Category: Cameras & Photo



Freecycle MC Slide Projector

MC Slide Projector

This item is in Colebatch GB

Has moving carriage and hand-held control button - seems to work fine, but I don't have any slides!

Category: Cameras & Photo



Freecycle HMV record player in cabinet with inbuilt speakers

HMV record player in cabinet with inbuilt speakers

This item is in Colebatch GB

Needs repair. Not sure what's wrong, but something blew when I turned it on! The record player is under the ...

Category: Antiques

