Grafton, Herefordshire Freecycle

Items for freecycle in Grafton, Herefordshire on FreelyWheely

Freecycle Motor Cycle Cover

Motor Cycle Cover

This item is in Burghill GB

Green canvas motorcycle cover. It was used to cover a scooter, but would probably also do a motorbike. However, I ...

Category: Motors



Freecycle Motor Cycle Cover

Motor Cycle Cover

This item is in Burghill GB

Green canvas motorcycle cover. It was used to cover a scooter, but would probably also do a motorbike. However, I ...

Category: Motors



Freecycle Gold Panning Sluice

Gold Panning Sluice

This item is in Burghill GB

This a gold panning sluice which has been used once or twice. It's not large and can be carried in ...

Category: Everything Else

