KNEX construction system

This item is in North Baddesley GB

All the details

A huge amount of KNEX construction system, learning toy, For all ages 3 years to adult ? includes motors, wheels cogs all sizes of construction connecting pieces, and joining pieces in fact the complete kit required to build multiple things such as cars lorries Airplanes insects etc and with the motors you can animate your dreams, building instruction leaflets included , this kit has been added to over the years so is a mix of everything in the KNEX range NOT a single kit. so it's building range is immense is in great clean condition from a smoke free home. Collection only North Baddesley Southampton.



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Comments About This Item

garethevansg , 4 years, 9 months ago

Is this item still for sale? It looks like a modern-day meccano- am I correct?

vindiboy , 4 years, 9 months ago

Hi Good morning, yes I guess KNEX is similar in a way to Meccanno but it is a lot easier to build things with Knek, each piece is colour coded so following the build instructions they are in picture form , so if you need a red piece just grab one and click it to the place according to the instruction, once apiece is clicked together it will not fall off, so a lot easier for little hands once a model or toy is built it is VERY strong and can be played with by the most robust child [ or Adult ] and it will not fall apart, you normaly buy Knex in single kit form which allows you to build a particular item, the instructions also show other things you can make as secondary items with the same kit, BUT you would have to dismantle the original item to do this, very frustrating for children as once something is built they have a certain pride in their achievement and often do not want to take it apart. Knex can be taken apart as many times as you like with no deterioration of the pieces so building things is only governed by your imagination and hours of fun and learning comes from Knex, it can be bought World wide and is exactly the same all over, My kit has been built over several years and would cost now to replace in excess of £400 pounds but my Grandchildren are Adults now and have discovered girls so no contest , We have built many diverse objects with the Knex together including moving Spiders ,Fly's , Ferris wheels roller coasters cars lorries trains , tanks [ there is a complete set of pieces to construct the tracks for tracked vehicles that fit the contained wheels, just remove the tyres from the wheels to do this ,simple,etc etc , with the motors all things can be animated and are great fun to build and play with, Knex is timeless and does not wear out, so it is a long lasting construction item., hope this helps Malc.

garethevansg , 4 years, 9 months ago

Do the original storage boxes and full fabrication instructions come with it? I am interested primarily for my grandson. He's currently only 3 months old so I'm looking ahead! I feel children nowadays with all the software, computers, mobiles, social media and gaming don't have the pleasure of actually making a real physical model which is real escapism- this is my motivation. But I also like to make things!! I would like to see it and if I like it, may buy but don't have cash available until the end of the month (payday). Of course if you sell it in the meantime then I fully understand. My mobile number is 07775 792536; name Gareth