100's of Books - hardback, paperback, non-fiction, fiction
This item is in Skelmersdale GB
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I have 11 shelves of books - plus another three boxes full. I have not photographed them all - there are more than this. They are mainly hardback: Sets of Geography and History books (Readers Digest etc): Many individual geography books: Many History books: Some recent hardback fiction. Also, business, art, & travel books. The whole lot have been collected over the last 25 years. They've been kept clean and dry in our house, on shelves. IMPORTANT: I am only willing to give them to someone who is prepared to bring your OWN boxes, and physically take them off my shelves. I DO NOT want to box them up, or be responsible for lifting / moving them. Also - I'd like you to take them ALL - not pick and choose some.
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searchstar , 10 years, 6 months ago