2 green giant aborvitae

This item is in Montclair NJ


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Two green giant arborvitae trees in pots, straight from Brookside Gardens nursery, bought in August. I can't use them & would love to find a good home for them. Free! They need a sunny part shade location. They are 7 or 8' tall and are very fast growers - the fastest growing trees for privacy. Fall is the best season to plant arborvitae. Please come and take them. They are in my back yard and I have a hand truck if you need it. Please call me so that you can come and get them. I live on Upper Mountain Ave, Montlcair, NJ.


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Comments About This Item

rboylan62 , 5 years, 4 months ago

Do they stay in pots or need to be planted in ground?