4 dining room chairs - in need of reupholstering

This item is in Goff's Oak GB


All the details

I have 4 dining room chairs. They are basically sound and in good condition, except that the seats are rather stained, and while they may clean up OK, they would probably be better reupholstered. I don't currently have a picture, but could possibly get one.

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Comments About This Item

sorubini , 7 years, 10 months ago

Could you please add some pictures

cherryrobbins , 7 years, 10 months ago

I will try to get a picture and send it to you.

cherryrobbins , 7 years, 10 months ago

Hi, I took a picture, but it didn't go on to my computer. So I willl have another attempt tomorrow.

cherryrobbins , 7 years, 10 months ago

Hi, Have had another go. So have just added the picture. Hope this is useful.