8ft+ tall, potted Ponytail Palm Tree

This item is in Pembroke VA


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Indoor "Ponytail Palm Tree" (photo attached) free to anyone willing to come to Pembroke to get it. I have nurtured it since 1983, when it was a seedling in a 2" pot. I can't bring myself to cut up an otherwise healthy 33 yr old tree and throw it on the compost pile. Nevertheless, it has gotten too big for me to manage in my retirement years, and it is so root-bound, it has BROKEN THROUGH the 21" plastic pot. Do you have a sunny home or office lobby that could accommodate a tall, columnar accent tree? I believe these trees can get a little "bushier" with the right lighting, although this one may be stunted, given it had spent its first 1/4 century with minimal direct sunlight in my previous home. I have had it in a south facing sun room for the past 9 years, during which it has doubled in size. You can expect it to go through another growth spurt given a bigger pot and a "glass house", so it really needs a very high ceiling. Location in Pembroke, about 15 miles from Blacksburg. Reply to darwinemmajones@yahoo.com.

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