Free Couch and Area Rugs!!

This item is in San Carlos CA


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Free couch! Purchased from Macy's a few years ago and used in our TV room. It is tan microfiber and seats three. Cushions are very firm and in great shape. The couch arms have scratch marks from our cat, and the fabric on the cushions show some wear. But with a cover, this couch would truly be good as new!! We also have two big area rugs: One rug is 8 ' by 10 ' — it's off-white/light gray and is a thick flokati-style shag rug. It was professionally steam cleaned two months ago and is in good shape, but it is a lighter color where the guest bed was over part of it. It will work best in a room where that section is covered. The other rug is 6' by 9' feet and is a colorful floral pattern. It has several pulls in it from my cat, so I wouldn’t say it’s in great shape. But the pulls could be trimmed — and this rug wasn't cheap! Here’s a link to the colorful one: c&utm_source=googlepla&variant=1314857632&gclid=CMCIw7unickCFUprfgodtH4D7w The couch is lightweight, but will require 2 people to move it. Contact us to set up a time for pick up right away!

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Comments About This Item

jammkma , 9 years, 4 months ago

What pattern,colors and size are the area rugs,please?

grapeape , 9 years, 4 months ago

Yes rug info please

jenniferoneil , 9 years, 4 months ago

Thanks for your interest! Someone already contacted us about the rugs, and he is picking them up tomorrow. If that falls through, I will post a comment here to let you know. In the meantime, let me know if you are interested so I can contact you. Thanks!

jenniferoneil , 9 years, 4 months ago

The large flokati style rug is still available if you're interested!