Green house

This item is in Corsham GB

All the details

Corsham Regis Primary Academy has a green house which we no longer use. It's in very good condition and available to anyone who is available to collect it. It is currently fixed to slabs underneath. Whoever claims the greenhouse will need to remove it from the base and dismantle it during a time when children are not in school. Visits are warmly welcomed.

Time Remaining

This listing has finished


Home & Garden

Comments About This Item

cpreedy , 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi , I would like to ask if the greenhouse is collected and the new owner or yourself don't want the slabs that it is standing on then we would be extremely interested in removing and collecting them , I look forward to hearing from you if our offer is at all helpful or acceptable . Thanks in adavance , I wish we had room for the greenhouse but we don't unfortunately , regards Cath

lizandmat , 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi How big is it please?

tzeching , 8 years, 1 month ago

Hi, do you know how difficult/easy it would be dismantle this green house ? Would love to have it and really need one but just need to makes sure i can manage to collect it, or at least make sure that I can get someone to help me. thanks.