Household clearance- for collection from Studham, Nr Dunstable.

This item is in Studham GB


All the details

Cordless answering machine rattan shelf unit pine double bed pine cot and bedding g plan desk and chair bedside shelves pine bedside tables child's bed (large) bamboo stand pine chest upholstered chair chest of drawers 2 wardrobes double bed emma mattress white bedside drawers wooden drawers oak drawers vanity unit oak chest oak table hi fi stand dyson hoover hotpoint tumble dryer pine table sofa 2 seater coal scuttle standard lamp dining table and chairs wall cabinets filing cabinets oak bookshelves



The Request Period For This Item Has Ended

The request period for this item has ended

Comments About This Item

barbaraannstewa , 10 months, 1 week ago

The items are in STUDHAM, nr DUNSTABLE, BEDFORDSHIRE. Individual emails, with photos, can be sent, on request for the items listed above. Many items are free to collect- some items have a small bargain price.

carolineybieral , 10 months, 1 week ago

Is the mattress single or double (4foot 6 ) . Thank you

barbaraannstewa , 10 months, 1 week ago

emma original matress double 190 x 122 cm Almost new condition (used for about a month). Which? recommended, very comfortable Free to collect.

barbaraannstewa , 10 months, 1 week ago

Oak bookcases still available.

sallynadine , 10 months, 1 week ago

Hi, if the Dyson Hoover is still available, would you send photos please and what age is it please?

barbaraannstewa , 10 months, 1 week ago

My husband will be at Studham house at 10am tomorrow. House Clearance people coming at 11am. Anyone wanting to pick up or look at stuff- I'm sorry, but this is the only available time as we are out of county. Please send me your email address so I can send house details, if you're still interested. Thanks

barbaraannstewa , 7 months, 3 weeks ago

All items now disposed off- this sale is now closed. Thanks for your interest.