Old Color TV (Legend)

This item is in Foxborough


All the details

I'm Not sure if anyone still uses these televisions for anything but when I got my flat screens I no longer had use for them but didn't want to just throw them in the dumpster when they work just fine. ( I have 2. Will add the other one after I get a path to it) It is brand "Legend", no remote. Free. In Foxboro - Must be able to pick up within 1 week.

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Comments About This Item

grumpytaz23 , 6 years, 1 month ago

the add ended for the portable closet, is it still available, if so do you still want to get rid of it?

defino48 , 6 years, 1 month ago

@grumpytaz23 The ad ended because someone already claimed it. Im sorry.

grumpytaz23 , 6 years, 1 month ago

no problem thx for the info

defino48 , 6 years, 1 month ago

No problem. You're welcome. If anyone else is curious, the portable closet has been picked up. Was picked up today.