Sideboard for upcycle project/TAKEN
This item is in Hitchin GB
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Old and tatty but sound sideboard with no handles but plenty of potential for an 'upcycling?' project. Used to be called 'revamping' but probably not so pc nowadays. Anyone interested let me know, I'm loath to take it to the dump, but I can't house it any more. This has now found a new home, thanks to all those who asked for it, sorry I coudn't repy to everyone individually.
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Comments About This Item
valorganic , 7 years ago
Have you thought about donating it to Emmaus the homeless charity they take in furniture that needs renovating and fix up to sell in their shops to fund the charity - very good cause and they will collect! Win win situation.
zoemail2000 , 7 years ago
Hello, is this still available please?
And if so do you have the measurements. Would look fab in my new kitchen
Thank you
Zoe x