Social work books /mindfulness/child psychiatry
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2nd edition child psychiatry book R. Goodman/ s Scott Good condition Mindfulness for life - 6 week guide to inner peace Oli Doyle Excellent condition Social welfare alive 2nd edition S.moore (Front cover worn)
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dpserv123 , 6 years, 7 months ago
I am doing research into trying to find a pathway, that may help me understand his mental & physical behaviour / reactions to certain things i.e. loud noises, social situations, separation anxiety etc, to help my autistic son. So you think these books would help understand his mental behaviour or have any suggestions on how to show him other ways to react etc or how I should react ?
deborahljackson , 6 years, 7 months ago
I don't these books individually would specifically help you in relation to your posted query. The social welfare book is aimed more at social studies, the mindfulness book is to assist an adult adopt positive thoughts, the final book I'm not to sure about. I think perhaps a more specific book would perhaps help you more.
dpserv123 , 6 years, 7 months ago
I think the mindfulness one could help me.... As I practice mindfulness to try & control or assist my chronic pain management.
The 2nd edition child psychiatry book,by R. Goodman/ s Scott, may help us just have an insight into some behaviour management etc, for both the boys if that's ok