Wanted all OLD TV/VIDEO Equipment

This item is in Coles Meads GB


All the details

Wanted All working non working Video Equipment TV's Video players, Video disc players, Betamax, Home surround sound systems, Sound bars, Video cameras, Cameras, Cini Cameras, Movie Editing splicing Equipment, Laptop, Tablets, PC's, Pocket TV's, TV VHS Combos, TV DVD Combos, Speakers, Remotes, Cables...ETC Collection from 50 mile radius of J8 M25 Where possible I will: reuse / recycle / repair and re-sell all items to stop them going to landfill Please help me stop as much of this from going to landfill as possible. Thank you



The Request Period For This Item Has Ended

The request period for this item has ended

Comments About This Item

bethcundy , 2 years, 4 months ago

Hi Do you pay for any of the equipment?

cneeser , 2 years, 4 months ago

I may have some bits and bobs when I get around to sorting out. Could you give me your contact details for future use? CE