Laveen Stuff for sale

Stuff for sale in Laveen, Maricopa AZ on FreelyWheely

Freecycle Cabinet storage, filing, three drawers w lock

Cabinet storage, filing, three drawers w lock

This item is in Phoenix AZ US

Wood and metal storage cabinet. It's 60" tall x 36 " wide and 19" deep. One large cabinet and three ...

Category: Furniture



Freecycle Random box of stuff

Random box of stuff

This item is in Mesa AZ

Random stuff. Drink dispenser, nutritional yeast, fancy glass ornaments, storage books, vases, some book ends that are shaped like hands, ...

Category: Everything Else



Freecycle Netgear modem CMD317

Netgear modem CMD317

This item is in Tempe AZ

Free Parts Only- cable company said it doesn't work.

Category: Electronics



Freecycle 8 Track tapes , Player, Player& Recorder

8 Track tapes , Player, Player& Recorder

This item is in Tempe AZ

Music from the 60' s and 70's: 150 8 track tapes all excellent condition. Mostly Rock 'n Roll classics. Clarion ...

Category: Music


Asking $100.00 for all items. Will not part out.