Woodbury Stuff for sale

Stuff for sale in Woodbury, Litchfield CT on FreelyWheely

Freecycle Digital TV works great

Digital TV works great

This item is in New Milford CT

Here's a free digital Samsung TV with amazing picture and audio that works great available to anyone who can haul ...

Category: Electronics



Freecycle JVC iArt 27" TV - non Flat-Panel

JVC iArt 27" TV - non Flat-Panel

This item is in Southbury CT

27" JVC iArt TV. It is not a Flat-Panel, but it does have the flat front glass the older style ...

Category: Electronics



Freecycle Samick Cherry Baby Grand Piano

Samick Cherry Baby Grand Piano

This item is in Oxford CT

Cherry wood baby grand piano by Samick - plays beautifully and looks gorgeous! We are downsizing and are sad we ...

Category: Musical Instruments



Freecycle 47 year old china closet

47 year old china closet

This item is in New Milford CT

I don't know what determines "antique" but put it in this category. This china closet has been in our family ...

Category: Antiques


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